Iris ensures versatile support for student success

Solve Quantitative Problems

Iris aids students in math, science, and engineering by assisting with problem-solving.

Improve Your Writing Skills

Iris provides real-time essay feedback and specific suggestions.

Enhance Your Coding Skills

Learning to code becomes much more accessible and interactive with Iris, saving time for both student and teacher.

Feedback on Your Thinking

Through a socratic approach, Iris guides students to develop their thinking, bridging gaps in their knowledge.

Solve Quantitative Problems

Iris helps students solve quantitative problems in math, science, and engineering, helping them check their work and engage thoughtfully with the course material. Students who are stuck on one step of a problem can ask Iris to guide them to the next step, reviewing what they learnt in the classroom and reinforcing this knowledge.

Improve Your Writing Skills

Iris provides real-time essay feedback and specific suggestions on how to make students’ writing clearer and more eloquent, based on the educator’s instructions and the specific assignment. This helps the student improve their writing very quickly, incorporating Iris’ feedback into a better essay draft.

Enhance Your Coding Skills

Learning to code becomes much more accessible and interactive with Iris, saving time for both student and teacher. Iris helps students identify areas of problematic code, explains concepts behind errors, and provides a cohesive experience for students.

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